Events Around The County

Holding social events for our customers is a big part of the support we offer. There’s stuff going on all around the county run by our teams across Northamptonshire, here’s a little taster of what we do. Please feel free to come along to these events or refer someone over who you think might enjoy a some fun activities and meeting new people and our friendly support workers.

We hold a social group every Monday from 11:30 -12:30 at the Salvation army in Wellingborough. This begun with us having a customer event which raised almost £100 to help set up the social group. It started really slow with 2 people attending every week, but after re-advertising the numbers have been growing and growing. It has peaked so far at 16 people attending.

This is run by our 3 volunteers and the social group consists of hot drinks, biscuits and the morning papers to read. We often play bingo and have a £1 stand with donated items that helps pay for the tea/coffee each week. It really seems to be taking off. In the summer we are going to look at doing some walks, picnic clubs etc.

Craft Group:
Come and join Jane who runs a craft group on a Friday at Blisworth Close, (off of Rothersthorpe Rd) at 10-12 every week. Everyone welcome £1 per person.

Health Walks:
We go twice a week Wednesdays 10.30am from St John the Baptist in Kingsthorpe village for a walk around the wildlife trust reserve, refreshments afterwards for £1 and Friday at 2pm meeting at the bandstand in Abington Park. Both are gentle social walks.

Tea And Talks:
Mondays @ T & 2 Sugars Kingsthorpe 1-3pm, Tuesdays @ Tuck In Wellingboro Rd 3-5pm and Thursday @ Jennys Weston Favell centre 3-5pm

Tea and Talk is held every Thursday from 2-4pm at The Icon Cafe, Daventry. Perfect for a catch up with old friends, a chance to make some new ones and to meet our lovely support worker Chris. Feel free to bring a friend.

We also hold our fortnightly summer social walks around Daventry Country Park every other Friday from 2:30 onwards. We meet in the car park and enjoy the lovely English countryside in what we hope will be sunny weather! Fortnightly from Friday 3rd May, all welcome.

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